Children’s Church
Our children’s programs provide worship services that engages the children on their level. Everyone starts out in the main sanctuary and after introductions and prayer, the children are dismissed and escorted to attend a service designed specifically for them. Theie service includes Biblical based programs, activities, and spiritual music.
On Sunday mornings or Wednesday nights, children (birth through four years old) spend time in our nursery while their parents worship or serve in other areas of the church.

On Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights, our preschool kids learn Bible lessons that are supported through songs, stories, games, and crafts. Preschoolers also enjoy snacks and a time of creative play with their friends.
Grade School
Sunday Mornings – On Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights, our grade school kids have an opportunity to learn about God through singing, Bible stories, object lessons and games.
Wednesday Nights – Out kids meet from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Every week we learn more about God through different themes.
If you are interested in assisting and you desire to minister to our children, don’t hesitate to inquire. We can always use help.